Franco Brunello, The Art of Dyeing in the history of mankind (Vincenza: Neri Pozza Editore, 1973)
Particularly Chapter 5 'The Renaissance and the Seventeenth Century' , 175-221.

Victoria Finlay, Color: A Natural History of the Palette (New York: Ballantine Books, 2002)
Particularly 'Dark Dyes' subsection, 97-101

Jo Kirby, ed., Natural Colorants for Dyeing and Lake Pigments: Practical Recipes and their Historical Sources (Archetype Books, 2014)

Alicia Weisberg-Roberts, 'Between Trade and Science: Dyeing and Knowing in the Long Eighteenth-Century' in Pamela H. Smith, Amy R. W. Meyers, and Harold J. Cook, eds., Ways of Making and Knowing: The Material Culture of Empirical Knowledge (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014), 86-112

Journal of Dyes in History and Archaeology